A protocol of a pillow. Usually used to perform murderous acts of smothering.
I considered smothering Emma with my pollow, but chose to slap her instead.
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A special device developed by an Australian Special forces assassin in an attempt to find a perfect balance between brutal murder, and extreme comfort. This weapn is now employed by many underground hitmen/women across the world.
The MF-3 class 4 pollow was used for smothering, unmercilessly beating, light maiming, or use as a device to rest your head on during REM cycles.
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A term for a better and more comfortable 'pillow'. It is usually referred to in situations of combat, or smothering.
"I will smother you with my pollow"
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Gullible follower of conspiracy theorists.
Crasis of the words "pollo" (chicken in Spanish or Italian), used as a synonym for low intelligence, and "follower"
that "fake moon landing" account has thousands of pollowers!