poon scrapper
/pune skraper/
a person who prefers to date old girlfriends and or "practice/throwaway girls" because they find it easier than going outside of their comfort zone and meeting someone via the internet, their social circle (if they have one), or at bars, nightclubs, coffee shops, grocery stores, or anywhere a woman may be found. This is usually do to low confidence/self esteem and or pure laziness and lack of self respect
"a poon scrapper"
synonyms: loser, lazy fuck, etc
pursue and try to lay an old ex girlfriend, or chase a skank that a friend or colleague has tossed away
"poon scrapping"
synonyms: to chase skank, poon re-purposer
Example One:
Man 1: Did you hear John has been seeing Mary again?
Man 2: The same Mary that he used to date 20 years ago?
Man 1: Yup. That's some washed up poon for sure.
Man 2: Jesus Christ, John is sure one lazy fucking poon scrapper.
Man 1: Indeed.
Example Two:
Man 1: Hey, I've got a date with Susie tonight! Johnny broke up with her.
Man 2: Fucking Susie? Really? Why don't you try and get out and maybe improve yourself so you can meet a new and exciting woman instead of poon scrapping these worthless skanks. Johnny just tossed her out knowing you poon scrappers would go after it like trash eating billy goats
Man 1: Nah. Poon scrapping is way easier.