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Post Pornographic Stress Disorder (PPSD)

Post Pornographic Stress Disorder (PPSD) is a trauma related disorder caused by viewing highly disturbing, sexually explicit material. People affected with the disorder usually have reoccurring thoughts, flashbacks, and, in extreme cases, nightmares related to the material they observed. Individuals with the disorder will feel extreme discomfort, shame, disgust, and, in some cases, arousal when having mental images of the disturbing pornographic material. This can cause the individual extreme discontent with their life, and must be treated properly.
Diagnosis Criteria:
1. Individual has observed highly disturbing pornographic material. The material must show genitalia/partial nudity, and be highly disturbing to the sufferer (individual's sexual preference, and sensitivity to pornography can cause different causes of the disorder).
2. Individual has reoccurring and frequent flashbacks, mental images, and, in some cases, nightmares related to the sexually explicit material they viewed.
3. Reoccurring mental images cause the affected individual extreme disgust, shame, and, in more severe cases, disturbing arousal.

4. The individual has had these reoccurring mental images for at least one month, and the flashbacks show no sign of diminishing or causing desensitization to the affected individual.

Friend: "Hey bro, did you see that video I sent you? *Laughs*"
You: "Yes, and I think it gave me Post Pornographic Stress Disorder (PPSD)."

by Scientific Definitions March 10, 2016