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private time

Taking time away from others to ponder your existence and meditate on peaceful thoughts.

Jeff: My job is just stressing me out so much. That's why I've been enjoying some private time lately.

by Jeff Jeffersonicus IV October 18, 2008

20👍 8👎

Private time

When trying to master-bate without you mom walking in on you.

Mom go away this is my private time!

by J.A1705 November 17, 2019

4👍 4👎

Private Time Story

A private story where you let your audience know who you would like to have sex with

I Will Like To Fuck ****** In My Private Time Story

by Brian Handler February 24, 2020

3👍 3👎

private island time

Phrase first used by Anchor Island Coffee in Kansas City, MO to describe the daily ceremony of marijuana self medication

A: Are you available tonight?
B: No, I'll be on private island time
A: Nice, Enjoy!

by 32whiskey January 30, 2023

steamy private time

Sex. Usually with the bois but, sometimes with some girls.

Man 1: Aight bro are we getting up in this crib or what?
Man 2: Nah bro we can have some steamy private time in the bedroom.
Man 1 & 3: Maan, what the fuck??

by Renewings April 23, 2022