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One who goes beyond talking of the problem to courageously, innovatively, positively solution-ing the problem.

Proactvists are the 2020 version of activists as they create new systemic containers for things to thrive. Activists stir the shit, Proactivists move us beyond the blame and shame game that perpetuates the concentric, angry, non-listening, divisive circle that often shackles us in the mess that we are in, to allow for new ideas to take hold, ease-full onramps for easy self enroll. Support small businesses and benefit companies that are proactively addressing the world’s biggest challenges with joy-filled solutions as a Proactivist.

by jscult June 14, 2020


Proactivist is a combination of 2 words - Proactive and Activist. One who is proactive for themselves and activist for the others.

Proactivists are always keen to help others while being proactive for themselves.

by Thrifty Kapila August 25, 2023