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An avoidance tool used by expert procrastinators where one quickly excuses themselves to the bathroom and remains there for an extended period of time (usually with a screen in hand), hoping that when they re-emerge, the task is already completed and/or their assistance is no longer needed.

Me: Ok guys, it’s tidy up time!

Nico: I gotta poop!
Me: Sorry dood, Mateo’s already in there procrapinating.

by Loveleedae May 30, 2020


Procrapinating (verb): An avoidance tool used by expert procrastinators where one quickly excuses themselves to the bathroom and remains there for an extended period of time (usually with a screen in hand), hoping that when they re-emerge, the task is already completed and/or their assistance is no longer needed.

Me: Ok guys, it’s tidy up time!

Nico: I gotta poop!

Me: Sorry dood, Mateo’s already in there procrapinating.

Example 2:

Jamie: It’s excellent!! You should send it to the urban dictionary.

Me: Just let me drop this deuce first.

by Loveleedae May 30, 2020


–verb; to defer the action of crapping; delay: to procrastinate until your sphincter can no longer hold back the wave of poo attempting to break free.

Related Forms:
Procrapinating, Procrapinated, Procrapination, Procrapinator.

Exmaple 1: Today, I was so lazy that I managed to procrapinate seven hours before finally giving in to my sphincter.

Example 2: I'm a chronic procrapinator.

by TG (The Gift) July 30, 2009

50👍 5👎


Being a pro at crapping to procrastinate.
Often used as an excuse at work to not work.
Going to the toilet and spending a lot of time there.

Guy: Imma go to the toilet to procrapinate because work sucks.
40 minutes later...
Guy: That's enough procrapination for today. *opens door* Oh crap it's the boss.
Boss: You have been in the toilet for a very long time! You're fired!

by World of Wordcraft June 24, 2016

10👍 1👎


1: frantically studying for something all while crapping.

it has been proven to study faster and more efficiently, and not just the study part...

2: Realizing one had a test that day so he asks to be excused to the loo. While on the toilet, he studies as much as possible.

other roots: Procrapination, procrap for short, crapinate (only studying and not actually using the toilet because one is not able to multitask), PC

Jim: hey how did your test go?
Sam: OMFGOMFG i got an A!
Jim: whaaat? i got a F!
Sam: well see, you did not procrapinate like i did before the test!
Jim: oh that is why i did not ace the test!

by yeahhhhimawesome January 27, 2011

6👍 28👎


When you're too tired to wipe your ass, so you put it off til later.

Dang, Jerry. I'm so tired, I didn't even wipe my leather cheerio. I'm procrapinating. Needless to say, my starfish is COVERED in chocolate.

by Gardar420 January 28, 2023