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A form of government initiated by protesters through protests for protesters. Frequently mistaken for military coups, citizen protestors often naively turn for help to the repressive organs of the same state they are trying to overthrow often leaving it to the Generals to decide who will be the next head of state. Protestocracies have one of the highest rates of leadership turnover and constitutional rewrites, with most issues being decided not through ballot, debate, and compromise but by counting the number of protestors each side can bring onto the streets. In extreme protestocracies, such as Egypt, as many as 40% of the population will be out protesting at any one time.

What do Egyptians really want tho? Chased out Hosni Mubarak elected Morsi and now want him out. A Protestocracy.

Example Constitution: "We the Protestors of country name..."

by ALT-F4 July 4, 2013

5👍 -1👎