The standard measurement for a fart as defined by the following:
A = Length of fart (seconds)
B = Volume of fart (decibels)
C = Smell of fart (scale from 1-10; must be measured by others, 10 being the smelliest)
Ptoof = A*B*C
NOTE: Minimum value for A, B and C is 1.0
Dude #1: Hey man, did you just fart?
Dude #2: I sure did, how did you know!?
Dude #1: Dude, it smells terrible!
Dude #2: Really? I think it smells awesome! How many ptoof's do you think it was?
Dude#1: Cough (leaves and comes back a few minutes later).....Well, I didn't hear it at all but it did smell terrible. Let me calculate this one for you.
A = 1 (inaudible)
B = 1 (inaudible)
C = 8.5 (smelled like someone ptoof'd in my mouth)
A*B*C = 1*1*8.5 = 8.5 ptoofs
Dude #1: Congrats on a 8.5 ptoof fart.
Dude #2: Hold on, I have another one. Be ready.