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Lead guitarist for the QUELS. The greatest guitarist to every live. Rocks out with his cock out. James Hetfields long lost brother. Has a six-pack . Lifts. Kicks ass. Does 200 sit ups a day

Quel is a shred master. Notable events- 1. Shred Fest , 09 2. LIfting 3. Rocking 4. Practicing LAST- Listen to Metallica, Slayer, Testament , and Megadeath.

by bob sasquach July 14, 2009

33๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


a boy you love to look at. his skin is perfecty smooth and tan, his eyes are dark and dangerous and his smile is to die for. he's very smart especially in creative writing even if he is somewhat an overachiever. he loves sports and is fiercly loyal to his friends. with just a wink he'll melt your heart and you will promise him your virginty. he can own your vagina with just a glance.

see that guy?? he winked at me and my vagina belonged to him

girl 2: oh yeah that happened to me yesterday, he's such a Quel

by fathergod December 22, 2016

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A proposed new letter to be added to the English alphabet. Represented by the character รž.

The only use for รž is when translating the sound a modem makes while connecting into English, similar to the hissing of a feline with phlegmy throat.

Can be compared to gutteral noises found in the Arabic language. (Possible Semetic roots?)

Gayaal: What does the modem have to say?
Tim: Beeeeeeeeeep รžรžรžรžรžรžรžรžรžรžรž (Quel) Beep.

Arab: รžรžรžรžรžรžรžรžรžรžรžรž Muhhamed jihad *boom*

by Neil Burnside April 13, 2008

13๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


Short for "Raquel" (if you're ridiculous), Quels are a typical breed of woman that love to stir up shit. Specifically shit God would NOT approve of. They are TRUE hypocrites and will never realize it. No one will stand up to her because she's hypnotically pretty and clever with words, kind of like a psychopath. Stay FAR away from her, especially if you're a MAN, unless you would like to be extremely screwed up after she has her way with you.

Girl: Have you seen Brad lately? He's not the same... in a bad way. He's super depressed.

Boy: Yeah, it was Quel. She cheated on him with everyone in town and gave him syphilis. What a bitch right?

Girl: Wow, that's horrible. I'll warn everyone to stay away from that Quel.

by reedikyoohluss November 5, 2011

7๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


KEWL. The quel way of spelling kewl (aka cool)

OMG Kirstie, you are so quel.

by chrissie March 27, 2004

7๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž

Quel dommage

an intentionally ironic statement meaning "What a Pity" or "What a Shame".

You hate being around smokers and your best friend goes in to a store to buy another pack but they are out of his brand; you can say: "Quel Dommage!"

by LanguageLoner May 28, 2010

114๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

quel del formai

A miythological figure that scares children in northern Italy (trentino)
It is a typically invoked by mother's or grandmothers when a child make bad things.

*angry mom* "Varda che passa quel del formai"

*Sad child noises*

by Italysayz November 23, 2021

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž