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(Ride my wave) to copy someone

This nigga is tryna rmw

by Jaseholaday12 November 16, 2018


RMW stands for Right My Wrongs

Hey Asheley before I die I have to RMW

by GenZ10 April 19, 2021


Roffle My Woffles
ROFL was originally used as an alternative to lol, meaning Rolling On the Floor Laughing
As people began to use this in everyday conversation, the phrase roffle my woffles was created.
RMW is a shortening.

Jeff: Can Fin and David come to the party?
Michelle: RMW what a joke... no.

by Michelle Janssen March 17, 2008

18👍 11👎


Roffle My Woffles
ROFL was originally used as an alternative to lol, meaning Rolling On the Floor Laughing
As people began to use this in everyday conversation, the phrase roffle my woffles was created.
RMW is an abbreviation.

Jeff: Can Fin and David come to the party?
Michelle: RMW what a joke... no.

by Michelle Janssen March 18, 2008

7👍 7👎