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rachael ray

AKA Raytard, Ray-Ray. The host of 30 Minute Meals on the Food Network. She is by far the most annoying "chef" on t.v. for the following reasons: she learned how to cook at Ho-Jo's,she giggles incessantly, she dumps olive oil and chicken stock onto everything, she claims her food is "healthful" when it actually has loads of fat and calories, her voice soulnds like that of a 5 pack-a-day smoker, she wears unflattering clothing that accentuates her non-boobs and her centaur-like ass/thigh region, she looks like "The Joker" when she smiles, she adds hotdogs to 20% of meals and makes 55% of main courses some sort of hamburger or sammie (sandwich), she uses dumb adjectives to describe food, and she makes up childish nicknames/acronyms because she claims they are quicker to use but she always explains what the nicknames/acronyms mean even if she uses them 10 times per show(so it's a a total waste of time in the first place)

"Hi, I'm Rachael Ray and I make 30 minute disasters. In the time it takes you to laugh your ass off at this program, I'll have made a craptastic and totally artery killing meal which I will try to pass off as healthful from start to finish."
Raytard: "Now, just pour the EVOO-Extra Virgin Olive Oil-into the pan for about 5-15 turns around the pan...Once the EVOO-Extra Virgin Olive Oil-is nice and screaming hot in the pan, add your tasty meatballs"
"See, this butter tastes so nutty when you let it brown for a while!"
"Lemme grab that smoky cumin from the cupboard."
"I'm just gonna throw this crap away in the GB-garbage bowl and then I'm gonna move the GB-garbage bowl- over to the side to give myself some room to work"

by a-m July 14, 2006

1007๐Ÿ‘ 272๐Ÿ‘Ž

rachael ray

A very annoying pseudo-celebrity chef who looks like The Joker from the old Batman movies. She constantly giggles, uses unessecary abbrevations, creates horrible unhealthy recipes, and wears unflattering apparel that accentuates her massive ass, and not so massive boobs. Her voice is also very raspy and hoarse, and she exhibits many symptoms that would point towards cocaine use.

One of Rachael Ray's actually recipes:

Sirloin Stew with Watercress Dumplings:
Calories: 1019 (51%)
Calories From Fat: 424 (42%)
Total Fat: 46g (72%)
Saturated Fat: 12g (62%)
Cholesterol: 168mg (56%)
Sodium: 2261mg (94%)
Carbohydrates: 68g (23%)
Dietary Fiber: 3.95g (16%)
Protein: 67.97g (136%)

by General Chi October 6, 2006

427๐Ÿ‘ 198๐Ÿ‘Ž

rachael ray

obviously she's the devil

rachael ray is the devil. thats it. plain and simple.

by (social) October 13, 2008

53๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

rachael ray

Food Network's leading cock tease.

Rachael Ray is such a fucking cock tease.

by Whitneym September 23, 2006

145๐Ÿ‘ 245๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rachael Ray

A woman who cuts up a pineapple and calls it cooking.

Mrs. Howl is serving her special "l'ananas coupรฉ" dish at the potluck. She's such a Rachael Ray

by scratchmaster101 October 17, 2011

35๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rachael Ray

A somewhat hyper cook on the food channel. Now currently has her own show on the ABC network. Wears tacky clothes, and does indeed look like the JOKER. Trashed, and bashed repeatedly by many. Has her own hatesite, but is still loved by many as well. Does not clean nor prepare food very well. Tends not to wash her hands when handeling meats, and spreads the germs on a damp towel nearby.
Has an incredibly big ass (which is nice), but unfortunately A cup Breasts if that much... :X

Rachael Ray is going to give someone in her audience food poisoning if she is not careful.

Rachael Ray needs to cut down on the Chicken stock; not everything needs chicken stock.

by TwentyFour October 20, 2006

225๐Ÿ‘ 114๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rachael Ray

The act of balancing and carrying an excessive number of items at once. Origin: On the Food Network show 30 Minute Meals, Rachael Ray often amuses herself by carrying all of her produce, spices, canned goods, and other ingredients in one trip from the refrigerator to her counter.

"Wow, set something down! No need to pull a Rachael Ray."

"Carrying your lunch and the cat?! That's one impressive Rachael Ray."

by Anneli June 10, 2008

73๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž