An eccentric character from the television show Parks and Recreation. Known to be slightly crazy, and head in the clouds. Uses songs to accentuate words often. Many, many, great quotes (totally should look them up).
Sally: Ugh, I hate how today is going.
Roger: Well, as Jean Ralphio once said, 'When life gives you lemons, you sell some of your grandma's jewelery and you go clubbin'.
Sally: That didn't help at all, but thank you.
An adjective to describe a perfect man, the literal embodiment of heaven in a 6ft tall 6 packed man. He's got good looks, he's got charm and he's got athletic ability. He puts every other man to shame.
Person 1: "My golly gosh! That young fellow is quite attractive"
Person 2: "Yeah mate, he's like a proper John Ralphio isn't he"
Person 1: "yes"
A man destined for greatness, but can’t stop sleeping with other women.
All he does is cheat…he’s a Ralphio.