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An adjective used to describe someone who pulls all the time, attends every party, has good bant, is live and gets bevved with the boys.

Boy 1: Lads I got drink for tonight
Boy 2: Yesss you raucous lad
Boy 3: Ah you rauc

by anonymous7653 July 28, 2016

30👍 5👎


Adj. rude, discusting, unexpectedly so. Highly abrasive in personality or looks. Repulsive.

These two drunk guys that nobody knew showed up and threw up in the closet on each other. It was so raucous.

by JJJ Strau May 31, 2006

46👍 22👎

raucous bacchus

Phrase used to describe a wildly drunken evening/event/individual.

"Dude, last night was raucous bacchus."
"Tell me about it, I got mad wine stains on my toga. It was so ill."

by Ayyo Dave November 14, 2011

bandito raucous

When you cause a problem on a large scale to annoy or aggravate someone.

Jeff : Hey see that Jew over there I'm gonna go tell him the Holocaust never happened.

Mike: Oh looks like Jeff is causing some bandito raucous

by Armadyl Alliance July 26, 2010

6👍 2👎


A weird Or unpleasant Noise

James Charles made A Raucous at the mall.

by eijeije88939e3p9jei November 21, 2022