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A razorlight is a Pete Doherty in a boot. David Bowie can be credited for this astute noun creation, which is relished by millions in both Britain AND Tanzania.

Guy # 1: I wish I was friends with a razorlight...
Guy # 2: What the hell is that?
Guy # 1: You don't know?!
Guy # 2: Oh, I was just messing with you. I wish I had a friend who was a Pete Doherty in a boot.

by NDressy August 19, 2010

22πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


An Awesome Band from the UK!!! Their Debut album is called "Up All Night" and contains some GREAT tracks like Golden Touch and Stumble and Fall.
See Johnny Borrell

Oh em gee Johnny Borrell is so sexy!
Razorlight is the best!

by whatsername March 23, 2005

60πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž


"Indie" band originating in England, fronted by British self-proclaimed "musical genius", and general twat, Johnny Bellend.

See also razorshite.

"Razorlight's album is crap, the worst this year."

"That Razorlight with their smarmy frontman can piss right off."

"Not for all the tea in China could I be persuaded to part with my cash to buy their CD."

by Kelly December 23, 2004

104πŸ‘ 97πŸ‘Ž


BETS FRIGGIN BAND EVER!!! all you razorlight haters can go SUCK A LEMON! Razorlight rocks! They have an awesome new drummer, Andy, and a SEXY lead singer/guitarest/writer Johnny Borrell, and they have the coolest music! Yay for razorlight!! w00t!

"Razorlight is so hot right now"
"Razorlight is a sexy british/swedan band"

by *~Tylee~* February 18, 2005

57πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž


A 'Razorlight' is best-encapsulated as a male with long, dark hair demonstrating malnourished features such as somewhat dodecaheronic cheek bones.

The term was inspired by Noel Fielding's role as 'Jones' in Nathan Barley and coigned around the drummer of popular Indie band - Razorlight.

Razorlights are a burgeoning force in the UK with the growth of interest in bands such as The Feeling, teen comedy-sham - The Mighty Boosh, and trivially clichΓ© magazine - NME.

"What a Razorlight!"
"Look at that Razorlight"

by fueledbyaimon August 10, 2008

7πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž