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A woman who is feisty, charming and full of a wry sense humor. She has a beautiful face with graceful contours and angles. Her animated facial expressions and honest heart don't require much deciphering; what she says is what she means! She is determined to accomplish, sometimes to the point of sacrificing the joys in life to have a project or goal completed. She is emotionally vulnerable only to those she absolutely trusts, to all others she is extremely wary. Not one who is easily influenced, though she is extremely influential and she knows it! A friendship with her is long lasting full of great memorable moments. She loves organizing and being in control, but is willing to yield to better judgment. Destined for greatness!
She is one in a million and a treasure to behold!

Girl 1: All my life I've dreamed of being smart, stunning and not be afraid to shake things up!
Girl 2: Yeah, I wanted to be named Rebecka too!

by Stagette December 2, 2011

284๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž


A super cute and pretty girl. who is short but any guy can fall for her. She has an awesome sense of humor and she enjoya her life. She has one really close bestfriend whose name starts with a "K". Rebecka loves shopping and especially with friends. She loves sleepovers and songs. She likes to sing call me maybe with her bsf. She is really talented and has her own life goals . Rebecka ur bsf will always be here 4 u.

Omg she's so sweet and kind she must be a Rebecka

by Siniver March 24, 2022


A tall, brunette girl who would do anything to get you satisfied. The most attractive girl in the group of friends and can trick the boys to do anything.

No matter how hot and beautiful she is, the girls never feel jealous. They know Rebecka never would've make them feel sad.

Rebecka/Rebecca is the type of woman you would die to have in your life. She is one of the funniest girl you will ever meet and she make the partys glowww.

"Guess who I run into this afternoon!"
"I bet it was Rebecka."
"Of course it was, and I am acctually going to ask her on a date soon"

by snorklaren October 25, 2019

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


funny, super skinny wacko with no life! jk, we love rebecka's. crazyer then any bitch you will ever meet, and always fun to hang out with. never makes sense, and doesn't listen to authority, she stands out in her own unique way. good artist and very smar- i mean intelligent. sorry for swearing becka i couldn't resist!!

Gee, that Rebecka, d00d, she's wack!

by !Rebecka February 1, 2009

185๐Ÿ‘ 80๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rebecka Bravo

Rebecka bravo is one known to man kind she is dating the milanotor. She need to get her pum pum cleaned because daved has blue waffle

Ye pum pum killer let daved suck that
My pum pum tight Rebecka bravo

by hander vic April 10, 2019


One of the most selfless and sincere you'll ever meet. You can tell she always only wants the best for you. Her fashion sense it top tier. When you see her you'll most likely feel the need to just squish her cute lil' cheeks. Feeling welcomed, understood and at home comes so easy when around her.

I couldn't wish for a better friend.

Yeah, Rebecka has this effect on you

by SpartaD February 9, 2023


she's gay af and probably a switch

person 1: i met this super gay person, she's a switch to
person 2: let me guess, her name was Rebecka

by almgrenrebecka March 24, 2020