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Red boxing

When you go down on a girl while she is having her period.

I'm red boxing Michelle tonight, I am not getting enough iron in my diet.

by Studentoflife13 January 3, 2018

Red Boxing

the act of renting movies from a red box machine

Are we red boxing it today? I really wanna see spiderman 3.

by hardhitr3 July 14, 2009

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Red box is basically a giant red box at grocery stores and mcdonalds restaurants were you can rent movies for a cheap price.

Red box also can refer to a very severe sexually transmitted disease (STD) for women.

I dont want to buy a movie, lets go down to Micky D's and rent a movie from the Red Box.

Damn, did you hear Sandra got Red-Box from going to that party last weekend. Who knows what and who she did!!

by Deeez Nutzzz May 12, 2009

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red box

a red heads vagina

lindsey lohan has a red box

by lisa fauckner October 17, 2010

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Red Boxed

When your really fucking high.

Holy shit your so red boxed!

by Steve Fan August 31, 2006

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Red Box Girl

A phrase to describe a slutty/loosy-goosy girl.

Just like a Red Box movie, she's: cheap, you use her for one night, and then you return her the next day.

Oh that girl last night? Yeah... she was a Red Box girl. Returned her this morning. Actually, cheaper than a Red Box movie, I didn't even have to pay $1!!

by The Oriental Express October 14, 2010

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Red Box Vulture

A bum that stands next to a red box machine giving you some bullshit sob story and asks for money when all you wanted to do was a rent a couple movies without being bothered. Usually happens in medium to large city or metropolitan areas.

I went to go pick up a couple new movies from the convenience store and this damn red box vulture gave me some stupid story about him and his wife that ran out of gas down the road and was bugging me for money.

by DeeeZaam February 17, 2014

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