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A term used by mostly Athiests to describe religious peoples in a degrading form. Derived from the word "religion" and the word "idiot"

Man 1: "Yo, I had to hit the Catholic church with my fam."
Man 2: "Did you have to eat God's Loins and Drink God's blood??"
Man 1: "No, Thank God"
Man 2: "Yeah, those stupid cannibalistic religits"

by Cory Lavery July 18, 2009

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a belief system in which politics and religion are inseparably connected; when a change in political beliefs is no longer the same religion, and a change in the religious beliefs is no longer the same politics (portmanteau of religion + politics); pejorative: a loony nutcase who adheres to religitics can also be called "a religitic" (portmanteau of religious + lunatic)

Like all orthodox religions, the Christian Right is more religitics than pure religion.

by Danstrom August 12, 2010

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noun, pejorative: a loony nutcase who adheres to religitics (portmanteau of religious + lunatic);

adjective: of or concerning religitics

My uncle believes you can only be Christian if you support supply-side economics; he is such a religitic.

by Danstrom August 12, 2010


The practice of being unable to see or acknowlege political realities because of zealous religious beliefs. Usually manifested by expressing opinions dogmatically with no attempt to persuade.

You know the world's gone mad when Pat Robertson is talking more common sense than Ann Coulter. Spouting religitics can sell books, but it just pisses off most people.

by M Rowe January 27, 2009

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