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act of being cool,smooth and chill

Belinda, Kamal, and Dan were riv as they leaned up against their lockers at the high school

by Kamal Riddick December 16, 2008

98πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


act of being cool, smooth, and fresh

Belinda, Kamal, and Dan were riv as they leaned up against the lockers at their high school.

by Kamal Riddick December 21, 2008

102πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


A thing a river does

Dude 1: Dude.
Dude 2:What.
Dude 1: If a worker works, does a river riv?
Dude 2: No, you fucking dumbass, it flows.

by no_its_high_how_are_you February 1, 2023


A dirty scumbag who would always rat you out. This person is no good for anybody and could never be in a mafia

Carlos is such a god damn Riv! He needs a good stitch or two to keep his lips shut

by Knightblade mc.bob January 30, 2019

3πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Riv is the name for a beautiful girl who is passionate with everything she does she is a loyal friend that loves books and art she always puts maximum effort into any task and is the best bestie you could ever ask for she is sometimes a bit crazey and loves to talk memes with her closest friend she is obviously a cat person (and I swere that all Olivia's have big houses) riv is short for olivia. Even though time will lead her dow a new rose and she may try to push you away NEVER give up on her cuz she is going through alot

Riv the nickname for a girl called Olivia

by Nrko March 31, 2020

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


resident of land called 'Rivia' in Andrzej Sapkowski's novell 'The Witcher'

riv - citizen of Rivia

Rivia - name of land

by krriv June 9, 2009

9πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


a slur used by staff at rivington and blackrod high school

teacher : 'Once a Riv always a Riv’

student: just call me a slur and get it over and done with

by fvchka\hbdcgicuashvvbo zdf April 29, 2021