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penile rivulet

1. a whiny man tantruming over something petty

2. a man that doesn't act his age, especially in social situations with the opposite sex

3. a man that is incapable of performing the most menial tasks

Husband: You didn't starch my socks!

Wife: Stop being such a penile rivulet and do your own goddamn laundry from now on!


"Maybe if you weren't acting like such a penile rivulet, you could have banged that chick."


Office Worker: How do I turn on the copy machine?

Co-Worker: What are you? A penile rivulet?

by Vwortboy July 2, 2009

1👍 6👎


a hot sexy slippery slugcat (probably) on cocaine from rainworld. in other words, SMASH

dude did you just beat yourself to beating Rivulet's campaign?

by someone who ISN'T u/ant_god123 February 9, 2025


my wife

rivulet is my wife trust

by rivuletn1simp February 9, 2025