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If you're a particularly desperate individual, taking large amounts of Robitussin can make you higher than a kite, more tired than you've ever been, and unable to walk a straight line. Hallucination is rare, but visual impairment is common. Don't drive or operate machinery.

The man started robitrippin and thought he could fly.

by JohnRyder May 25, 2007

20👍 9👎


Including Robitussin (the poor man's hallucinogenic) in any cocktail of drugs used for recreation (including, and usually meaning alcohol). Some users report to have experienced a mild hallucinogenic effect by doing this.

"Hey, man. I was robitrippin and suckin' on this frog's ass once and, like, I thought I saw jeebus!"

by Zor Prime December 4, 2003

13👍 11👎


Can you say "INNAY" as in Narcotics Anonymous

Dude while I was on house arrest I ordered some pizza and paid the pizza-chaffeur some extra nuggets to stop by Walgreen's for a high risk drug transaction involving the purchase of some 100% pure, "the stuff that killed Elvis", Robitussin caplets where 20 kapzen yo AZ means more than you got blasted it means you be robitrippin.

by Carrie Croff January 22, 2004

3👍 12👎


the act of trippin on "Robitussin" or on cough syrup

Joe Shmoe:"damn what up with that bitch?"
John Smith:"Oh, she be Robitrippin"

by Vinshitler November 29, 2007

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