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An "Extinct" community of Pashtuns that used to exist in Uttarpradesh especially in the Rohillkhand region.

The community no longer exists as they've mixed up & assimilated with the rest the North Indian and Pakistani population post the India/Pakistan partition of 1947.

Rohillas are a living fossil

by Teachology December 24, 2022

3👍 1👎


A mass settlement of Central Asian Muslims since the 16th Century granted by the Mughal Empire as a land grant . Ofc most of these were Pashto speakers with some Dari speakers as well . Most were Sunni with some being Shia ( Specifically of the Bangash tribe ) .

Ofc some could've been Hindu and Sikh that continued to speak the Scythian dialect however matters on this is unknown .

They were allies to Ahmad Shah Durrani during his raids in India since the 1700s...

Post Indias 1857 mutiny, the community was active in Islamic reform movements such as the Khilafat movement and the Islamic reformists groups "Brelvis" and "Deobandi".

I loved this girl she was a Rohilla

by Teachology November 5, 2022

1👍 3👎


Not extinct but rather an ubiquitous patrilnieal line among Indian Muslims and Urdu speaking Muhajirs of Karachi

Found when the Mughal Empire as a land grant of the Kateher region in Uttar Pradesh I'm the 16th century

Rohilla settlers were mostly Pashto speaking settlers , with a smaller extent being Dari speakers. Notable tribes being Yousafzai, Afridi, Bangash, Mehsud etc. Most were Sunni but a small number of them were Shia.

Rohillas had an unknown and ambiguous relationship with Kshatriyah or rajput converts to Islam in Uttar Pradesh

In terms of Phenotypes , Rohillas did have a high frequency of fair skin, blue/green/hazel eyes and Reddish/Golden hair however that began to decrease due to mixed marriages with other Muslim communities ( or possibly because after conversion to Sunni Islam, the dark pigmented folks of the population began to reproduce more than their fair skinned members , hence the population ending up dark as a whole )

In present times the community has almost completely assimilated into Khariboli Muslim culture, with no connection to Pashto speaking Pashtun community in the present time . And sure the Pashto speaking community are not going to accept assimilated Descendants as Pashtuns

A Rohilla tried to use his looks to pass himself off as an Anglo Indian

by Teachology November 5, 2023


Rohillas were blessed for looking like White people but have been cursed with a disease called revitiligo , the opposite of what Michael Jackson got , that lucky b*****d, as a consequence of following Orthodox Sunni Islam ( albeit a few were Shia ), after generations Rohillas started to end up looking like brown people , ofc not unlike whatever happened to their Christian counter parts , the Anglo Indians ...

This I consider part of "original sin" of Pakistans Urdu Speaking Muhajir community , Indian Muslims and the Pashtun community as a whole

I whole heartedly believe the moment Muhajirs of Pashtun Ancestry meet Pashto speaking Pashtuns and the fact of how those two cultures have diverged ... that is Original Sin talked about in mainstream Christianity .... the whole world got screwed up because of the Fate of Rohillkhand Pashtuns

Rohillas are a fallen people

by Teachology November 6, 2023


A Mythical Species ... you need a Rohilla.

Altaf Hussain's MQM was made to obscure or cover up the fact that Rohillas exist. Same with colored eye contact lenses , once again to "Hide" the fact Rohillas exist...

Descendants from a fabled land called Rohillkhand , UttarPradesh, Rohillas were top level occultists who dwelved deep into Islamic Salafi Sufism with a hint of Hinduism but after partition of India/Pakistan they got scattered.

Manifested Rohillas are extremely rare. Manifest simply means the Arya, Scythian or Macedonian traits ( because of Alexander The Greats colonies in India ) has been manifested after 2500 years, so not exactly the same as pure blood but similar.

Rohilla women are super hot with pale skin , awesome body and jet-black hair .

Manifested Rohilla males act effeminate because they think applying the same formula would extend Rohillas existence but they get cucked by other masculine muslim men...

Only 1% of Rohillas are manifested

While 99% are unmanifested ( where dominant traits took over the reccesive traits )

The point of Rohillas is they are "supposed" to be very good looking

Ummanifested means Alexander the Greats Macedonian traits or Scythian/Arya features are not showing.

So screw Mughals,Sayyids, Memons, Rajputs, Ansaris and other castes. Rohillas are the chosen people !

The Ultra-Rare Rohilla , it is a "wonderful" Cryptid. What he is saying about Rohillas is untrue . It's some brown dude thats making it all up .

Why would he make it up ?

by Pashtun Historian April 7, 2024


A South Asian community in UttarPradesh between 17th to 19th of Afghan settlers granted by Mughals to pacify ketahar Rajputs. Rohillkhand was a mix of Afghan settlers and UttarPradeshi rajputs. They're now scattered all over India, and many went to Pakistan post partition. Plus many Rohillas in the diaspora like North America and Europe and yes guyana and Suriname had rohilla migrants

The other poster is being silly . Ofc sure may because Afghanistan being colder and more north folks were more light , but not to the extent that Rohillas straight up look British White folks . That's a very huge stretch . At best many may have been a yellowish , wheatish or light Tan and only very few were pale but Rohillas looked South Asians, maybe slightly lighter due to Afghan mix but still south asian .

Don't listen to that other poster. He's trying to portay Rohillas as some mythical creatures which is far far from the truth . Rohillas are ordinary people, not legendary creatures like Big Foot or Godzilla . Some muslim Brown dude is making a "fake story" about Rohillas so that he could be accepted as a White Man by trying to pass off Rohillas as a lost kingdom of White Muslims lost in India when the majority of these people have always been tanned or light brown and most were never white to begin with and comparing Rohillas to Anglo Indians is quite crude and racist.

Rohilla is just a caste among South Asian Muslims, not some legendary creatures like unicorns , ogres or bigfoot.

by Secondnature567 April 5, 2024


A South Asian community in UttarPradesh between 17th to 19th of Afghan settlers granted by Mughals to pacify ketahar Rajputs. Rohillkhand was a mix of Afghan settlers and UttarPradeshi rajputs. They're now scattered all over India, and many went to Pakistan post partition. Plus many Rohillas in the diaspora like North America and Europe and yes guyana and Suriname had rohilla migrants

The other poster is being silly . Ofc sure may because Afghanistan being colder and more north folks were more light , but not to the extent that Rohillas straight up look British White folks . That's a very huge stretch . At best many may have been a yellowish , wheatish or light Tan and only very few were pale but Rohillas looked South Asians, maybe slightly lighter due to Afghan mix but still south asian .

Don't listen to that other poster. He's trying to portay Rohillas as some mythical creatures which is far far from the truth . Rohillas are ordinary people, not legendary creatures like Big Foot or Godzilla . Some muslim Brown dude is making a "fake story" about Rohillas so that he could be accepted as a White Man by trying to pass off Rohillas as a lost kingdom of White Muslims lost in India

Rohilla is just a caste among South Asian Muslims, not some legendary creatures like unicorns , ogres or bigfoot

by Secondnature567 April 5, 2024