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rugby union

One of the best games, no it aint a shit version of league, without it there would be no rugby league :)...I do enjoy both games and play but Union does have that extra thrill to it when played.

Dipshit: Rugby Union is shit, its a rip off of league.
Me: Fuck yourself Union is basically the father of league, withou it there would be no league.
Dipshit: But league came 1st.
Me: ***sigh***

by kroniic December 17, 2006

305๐Ÿ‘ 173๐Ÿ‘Ž

rugby union

A full contact football game enjoyed by many countries that play it professionally.

Often, Australian's especially will argue the points of rugby union vs rugby league. League is a game usually played by thugs or rapists, that can't deal with too many rules. Australian's that watch this game religiously usually have limited culture and world experience. They like things simple. Run at a team, get tackled, have sex with the ground, pass the football between legs, do it all over again 6 times then hand the ball over. It is simplicity that attracts the Aussie fans to watch this game. Being an Australian i do understand.

However for people who prefer a fair advantage of gaining possession of the ball there is rugby union. Union (despite what a rugby league player will tell you) is a more aggressive, more full contact game. Both teams fight for the ball to gain the advantage. The key word "advantage". It is a constant battle to gain ground. There is no six tackle count. The teams actually have to work to gain possession of the ball, no handover. Union player will use rucks, mauls, scrums and lineouts to achieve this. Where as in league the forwards are usually ex convicts or expert pub brawlers, made to do one thing and thats to run straight at the opposing team with their head down, union makes use of its forward pack to gain ground. The forwards do a hell of a lot more work in a game of rugby union. Whereas league is burst play, they run, they rest, they interchange.

Not many countries play league professionally. Not many countries like the simplicity of it. But people with a low IQ have to exist in society as well, so i am for both codes.

by P.Rickshaw October 7, 2007

133๐Ÿ‘ 97๐Ÿ‘Ž

rugby union

The far superior version of rugby, generally much faster and involving far more skill that its counterpart rugby League.

A common myth is that Union players kick too much.

Several players have made a switch to union, realising themselves that its the better version.

wow, i've got all round skills, WTF am i doing in League, time to switch.

by JJ May 29, 2004

280๐Ÿ‘ 263๐Ÿ‘Ž

rugby union

or *nion (vulg.)

28 fat blokes watching two other blokes engage in a kicking contest. A generally unwatchable sport where progress is made either: a) by kicking the ball out of the playing area or b) by goading the opposition into conceding a penalty due to an unwitting infringement of one of the many obscure laws (see 'he's gone in the wrong side').

When the two 'kickers' are not engaged in exchanging hoofs into the stand, the 28 fat blokes are called upon to pile onto the ball to prevent its progress up the field. This is called either a 'ruck'; a 'maul' or '28 fat blokes in a heap'.

Games of rugby *nion are settled by which team has the best kicker. Occasionally a 'try' may be scored - but they are so rare that their value has been increased in order to encourage players to pursue that route to victory.

But as try-scoring requires fitness and handling skills, the sport prefers the kicking option to settle contests. (see also 'drop goal' - one bloke kicking while 29 watch). On the rare occasion that a try is achieved, 14 fat blokes pushing another bloke under a pile of bodies from 1 yard is considered a specimen of the type.

Generally considered: a) inferior to Rugby League in terms of skill, fitness and excitement; b) the preferred game of chinless wonders and old Rugby League players who can't hack it any more and c) the spectator sport of bandwagon-jumping twats who don't support any club and don't know any better (see 'Inverdale').

Inf. *nion - 'a pile of unwatchable shite'.

'You can't pass/run/tackle, lad - did you come from *nion?'

'Careful, don't step in that steaming pile of *nion'.

by Hornetto February 11, 2004

235๐Ÿ‘ 267๐Ÿ‘Ž

rugby union

Inferior sport to rugby league. Aparently points are scored by goal kickers (one to a team of fifteen). Imagines that one day it will be bigger than soccer.
Generally played by those educated at Public (ie private) schools.

Much over rated by the british media.Most of whom went to said schools.

Hey fat boy, why don't you go and play rugby union?

by FB November 26, 2003

147๐Ÿ‘ 163๐Ÿ‘Ž

rugby union

the shite version of rugby played by posh upper-class southerners who are scared so they boot the ball upfield when they recieve it so they dont get hurt, it is proper boring 2 watch + contains alot of stupid rules eg. a lineout,ruck.

northerner: fancy a game of rugby?

southerner: i hope you dont mean league? im scared of playing that! can we play rugby union instead?

northerner: "fuck off ya faggot! are you a man or mouse?"

by toughestgameofall June 23, 2007

97๐Ÿ‘ 124๐Ÿ‘Ž

rugby union

A game now loved by millions of fans who saw no interest in the tedious game until England won the Rugby World Cup.

Also see GloryHunter fans....

Bandwagon jumpers...

by Hetherington Out December 10, 2003

78๐Ÿ‘ 102๐Ÿ‘Ž