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When someone or a situation is chill or vibey as fuck

The mountains in Montana are ruz as fuck motherfuckers!

by badbeeoach June 28, 2021

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Close friend of Anon_z2 the best hvher. They are like a duo, like Batman and Robin but Ruz is actually Robin.

Nigga stop acting stupid. Ur acting exactly like Ruz

by Anon_z2 February 6, 2022


slang for Cruz
or take a drive with friends

freddy lets ruz
lets go for a ruz and get some dags

by tombah October 1, 2005

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Soul of Zulfiqar

Rumana Zulfiqar

by AzK March 12, 2004

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humbabe ruz

to cheer on a small black person

Dude stop saying humbabe ruz, I'm not black!

by Tupac Chode June 8, 2009

dirty ruz

1: Someone who is dirty. The "Dirty" can came form many reasons such as having unprotected sex, not showering, eating disgusting things or doing anything gross.

2: A stupid Polish dance that is usually preformed while being intoxicated.

It has been a week, take a shower you dirty ruz!

by dirtyruz January 11, 2012

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Ultima V|RUZ

One who never stops plotting his evil demise over all that is good.

"Shahit, did you hear about that crazy nutter over at the Pre-School?"

by Meep October 12, 2004

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