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a compound word meaning so/super awkward.

When I walked in on my brother having sex with my friend's mom is was sawk.

by mazzetta September 22, 2008

21👍 9👎


Socially awkward
Opposite of SA (Socially Acceptable), non-SA

John: Hey dude! How's life going for u?
Jay: Um....iono....ok I gtg.
John: Wow you are fucking sawk dude.

by jsmithsmith December 14, 2010

14👍 13👎


Similar to suck. Denotes when something is really bad, ie, sucks. Usually preceeded by a 'the' or 'teh'.

Man, soccer is teh sawk.

by zeroSignal June 19, 2005

8👍 15👎


Socks, just rockstar-er

Rockstar: Did you see my socks?
Normal layman: Yeah, they're not just socks. They're sawks.

by Genevie Poux July 30, 2010

4👍 4👎

rawks my sawks

Somthing that is rad, in which rocks... etc

Your hair fucking rawks my sawks

by Mark Weldon September 17, 2003

8👍 25👎


1. Iller than sick, sicker than ill, larger than life.Depending on the circumstances of the conversation and subject material, this definition will override the word as the slang for for "suck".

"Yo bro, your new kicks are sawk!"
"It's how I roll gee."

by BlackopsCaramilk October 22, 2008