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see the kids

When you skeet in your bitches eye

dude:You wanna see the kids?

Chick: sure big daddy!

by honkey484 June 8, 2006

6👍 4👎

Going to see the kids

Going to a gay club.

I don't feel like going to those breeder clubs. I'm going to see the kids tonight.

by boricuapuppy December 15, 2010

7👍 1👎

See my kids

When you cum on your girls face and it gets in one or both of her eyes.

“I came in my bitch’s eye so she could see my kids.”

Taken from some random freestyle rap I heard in high school.

by Haywire84 April 22, 2021

1👍 1👎

SEE kids

when u see a bunch of scene kids and u call em scene theyll kill u there fore just say u can SEE a bunch of kids

ooh look i can SEE kids OVER THERE >>>>


by sdfersdfdfgdsfg January 16, 2007

3👍 19👎