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A word used on the street to signify happiness at a lucky occurance.

Random Hobo on the street:
"Hey im gonna give you 100 dollars for being so cool!"
Random cool kid:

by sporkmasta (cooler than krazy sauce) January 5, 2006

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panty solvent

Another name for liquid panty remover, a term used to describe sweet, premixed alcoholic coolers preferred by teenage girls and appreciated by the boys who pursue them.

See also girl drink drunk.

"Stock the fridge with panty solvent. That girl we met at the party is bringing all her friends."

by Adman12 November 23, 2005

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Solvent abuse

Solvent abuse is one of the Western world's oldest pasttimes. Solvents such as superglue and aerosol propellant are usually inhaled by using either a bag or through a towel.

(Mother walks into bedroom; son is sat over a bag full of whiteout with three cans of air-freshener on bed.)
Mom: What the fuck are you doing?!
Son: I'm practicing ballet! What the fuck do you think I'm doing, bitch?"

by Mr. Stab June 10, 2004

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universal solvent


water is the universal solvent, Gregor Smith.

by Shame On You Gregor Smith October 26, 2020

fractional volume of an extraction solvent

An optimum volume of an extraction solvent is the calculated volume of an extraction solvent needed to extract all the desired solute from a given mass of a solid material based on the liquid to solid ratio experimentally established.

A Fractional Volume of an extraction solvent is a fraction of the optimum volume of the extraction solvent, into which the optimum volume of an extraction solvent is equally divided.


A Fractional Volume of an extraction solvent is an equal fraction of the optimum volume of the extraction solvent, into which the optimum volume of an extraction solvent is divided.

If 100ml hot water is required to extract all the tea from a tea bag, then 100ml hot water is the optimum volume of the extraction solvent. Ten 10ml volumes of hot water are fractional volumes of an extraction solvent i.e. hot water. Each fractional volume of an extraction solvent can then be used to extract the tea from the tea bag in a single extraction cycle. To use all the ten fractional volumes of the extraction solvent it would need to carry out the extraction in ten extraction cycles. Should one opt to use 20ml of hot water to extract the tea from the tea bag, then the optimum volume of the extraction solvent, 100ml ought to be divided into five fractional volumes of an extraction solvent (hot water), each of which equals 20ml. The fractional volume of the extraction solvent of 20ml would then be used in each extraction cycle.

by Emty Em May 17, 2011

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Fractional Volume of an extraction solvent

Fractional Volume of an extraction solvent is a fraction of the optimum volume of the extraction solvent obtained by dividing the optimum volume of the extraction solvent needed to extract all of the desired solute from a given mass of the solid material into equal smaller volumes for use in separate extraction cycles

If 100ml of an extraction solvent is the optimum volume that would extract all the herbal solute from a medicinal herb, then 100ml/2 gives a fractional volume of an extraction solvent of 50ml, 100ml/3 gives a fraxtional volume of an extraction solvent of 33.333ml

100ml/4 gives a fraxtional volume of an extraction solvent of 25ml,
1/5 x 100 ml gives a fraxtional volume of an extraction solvent of 20ml.

Using fractional volumes of an extraction solvent for extraction purposes gives better extraction yields than using the optimum volume of an extraction solvent as a whole.

by Emty Em May 3, 2011

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31 M Solvent Generation

Formerly known as "LBM, TABOGO, Marcos Apologists." An individual or group who are focused on hampering growth and progress. They are also focused on revising the history a particular head of state, government officials, agencies or an entire nation. They are usually supporting or wearing red outfits but for some reasons, their decided to switch and started to wear the color pink to fool their supporters. They are also a right-wing enablers and "trapo" supporters.

They are entitled self-proclaimed superior beings and self-proclaimed well-educated elites. They hate poor people and they are notorious on shaming and insulting poor and illiterate people.

They can also control the media, social media platforms, churches and some private sectors. They also support vote buying and election frauds.

We are the 31 M Sovent Generation, well mannered is better than educated, Nanalo Kami Bumoto kami sa magnanakaw! Unity!

Hindi na sila LBM ngayon, 31 M Solvent Generation na sila.

by Ka Tunyeng May 30, 2022