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What is speed? Speed is amphetamine, a stimulating drug that triggers the brain’s reward system giving the user feelings of pleasure. Speed also goes by the street names “Ice, Crystal meth and Shabu” 2 The drug works using Dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is used in all matters of the brain from learning to attentiveness. However, the most prominent usage of dopamine is to incite the brain’s reward system. Dopamine is released in the brain naturally when people eat, drink and have sex. 1 Dopamine is released into the synaptic space in between the pre and postsynaptic neurons. Here is where speed comes in. Speed’s goal (Speed doesn’t really have a goal it merely exists, but this is the reason people use it) is to trigger a buildup of Dopamine. Speed first enters the Terminal Button in one of several ways. Speed is very similar on a molecular level to Dopamine so Speed can enter the Dopamine transporter or speed can diffuse into the neuron. The amphetamine then expels the dopamine out into the synaptic space. It does this through a process that forces the Dopamine transporters to go in reverse. Under natural circumstances Dopamine is brought back into the terminal button through the Dopamine reuptake pumps. These pumps do not work as well when speed is present in the brain and the Dopamine remains longer as a result. “Speed also inhibits monoamine oxydase A (MAO-A).”1 Speed also forces glutamate to come into the synaptic space. The result of this is dopamine will flow more easily.
The effects people notice with amphetamines make it clear why the drug has earned the name speed. Speed makes everything go faster. When on the drug, which can be taken in forms of powder, pills and injections, “your heart rate… blood pressure and movements all increase in speed.” 2 It also makes sleep difficult. The size of the user’s pupils increase and weight loss becomes easier. While the user is “high” off the drug he or she can expect “to feel good, be more willing to take risks and be excited”.2 Speed’s long-term effects are for the most part similar to many other drugs. Speed causes depression, personal problems, anger and violence. Speed is also addicting. There is one more side effect that is more unique to the drug. This side effect is coined psychosis. Psychosis is a serious psychological problem. People that suffer from it hear voices in their head, become delusional and paranoid. Psychosis victims are known to see things that aren’t there and often feel that ordinary objects and people want to hurt them.4. In Requiem for a Dream a movie about the downward spiral instigated by drugs, An elder widow is prescribed diet pills, which are speed. When she becomes addicted she believes her refrigerator is trying to kill her.3 Amphetamines although possibly more enjoyable then other drugs also negatively affect you sooner. 3 Fevers, heart attacks and death are all possible results of the use of speed.2

With a few grams a speed in you you could write all that in 5 minutes

by Hala zues June 24, 2004

4354👍 984👎


OK… Here we go. Focus. Speed. I am speed. One winner. 42 losers. I eat losers for breakfast. Breakfast. Wait, maybe I should have had breakfast. A little breck-y could be good for me. No, no, no, stay focused. Speed. I’m faster than fast. Quicker than quick. I am Lightning!

I am speed
speed am I

by johngwallis March 4, 2019

328👍 72👎


Amphetamine or methamphetamine

Look at that paranoid pale faced bloke talking bollocks who looks like he's been awake for 2 weeks!

Me: Yeah, that's Chris, he's on speed

by TidyTrip March 17, 2003

1109👍 762👎


People need to get this strait.

Speed is a slang word for powerful stimulant drugs. Speed has a broad meaning, it describes almost all powerful stimulants, whether street drugs or perscription drugs, except for cocaine. The most common use of the word Speed is when describing Methamphetamine or street Amphetamines, But can also slang for any of the following street drugs (parenthesis are slang):
-Methamphetamine (Meth, Crystal, Crank)
-Street Amphetamines

-MDMA (Ecstasy)

Speed also is used to describe any of the following Prescription ADHD medications, usually referred to as speed when using the medication to get high. (parenthesis are brand names)
-Dextroamphetamine (Aderall, Vyvanese, Dexedrine)
-Methylphenidate or Ritalin (Ritalin, Concerta)

Some of speed's effects: increased energy, nervousness, shaking or trembling, dilated pupils, Euphoria, anxiety, stress, increase in focus, racing thoughts, increased sex drive, insomnia, restlessness, body aches, dry mouth, complete loss of appetite, grinding teeth, twitching of the eyes or "tweaking" etc.

Speed is powerful, and isn’t for everyone. The comedown isn’t fun, but is often exaggerated on the internet. Just drink water and sleep, and quit being a pussy.

Dude, me and joey got so high on speed last weekend we haven't slept in over 3 days!

Speed is a slang term describing almost all powerful stimulants

I fucked my wife last night while we were both up on speed, i lasted for 3 hours, it makes your sex drive unbeleivable!

Me: Dude, i gotta study for my english final tomorrow night and im so tired. Can i get some of your speed?
Roomate: Yeah my aderall is on the top shelf.

by speedfreak44441111 October 27, 2011

258👍 201👎


Speed is the magnitude part of a vector, it is a scalar quantity.

The bus going 50 mph due east, was traveling at 50 mph.

by MadPhysicsMan March 21, 2004

414👍 415👎


distance / time

The amount of distance you travel over how long it takes, (how fast you travel)

My speed increases when im reaching orgasm.

by Bubba_The_Retard November 4, 2006

252👍 307👎


Its a really hard drug

Ive taken speed in a needle for 17 years,im 47,sometimes full on for months,your life will turn to shit,sometimes once a month,thats more fun,its awesome for a big hit,some porn and great sex with your lady for 12 to 24 hrs ,its a great way to have sometime out from life.With speed you need to have an outlet for the intensity and we find sex is the best.You pay a huge price for the fun,as the next few days + suck,Hey if your going to play look after your body,make up for the shit you put in it,if it suits you play, if it doesnt dont,its addiction creeps on you,if you cant exercise some control with it,leave it alone,enjoy

by mark1 December 6, 2006

122👍 163👎