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ssad (s-sad) also S.S.A.D- n.
Origin- SAMS Band Room
1. Same Sex Attraction Dissorder
see also gay lesbian

The people at that bar are ssad.
This song is ssad.
Are you gay or ssad?

by Hitler April 14, 2004

55👍 39👎


SSAD is an acronym for "same-sex attraction disorder". In olden times - before common sense became a precious commodity - this is what doctors and psychologists used to diagnose anyone who, instead of having the natural inclination to procreate with a member of the opposite sex, had a sexual attraction to one of his or her own sex.

Among modern secular society, SSAD has fallen into disuse, as the mental state it describes is considered "normal" among the secular world. (Although, on a side note, many things once considered crude, lewd, and despicable are now considered "normal" in the modern secular world.)

Many Christian groups still consider same-sex attractions a disorder. Some even make attempts to fix SSAD. Almost all Christians, however, declare that while SSA is a disorder, and sodomy a sin, we must "love the sinner and hate the sin".

If the first humans had had SSAD from the beginning, it is unlikely that any of us would be alive.

SSAD is a disorder because it is a disorder. It is not normal for a man to want to try to procreate with another man - for two men do not have enough eggs between them to procreate! Nor do two women have even a single sperm between them to fertilize their eggs.

Even if SSAD is genetic, it is still abnormal and counterproductive to the natural reproduction of human species. For no species can continue existing without having a desire to procreate, and SSAD is averse to this most natural desire of all animals.

by TarkanAttila22 October 27, 2011

31👍 53👎