The Israeli variant of the popular animated television series, Scooby Doo, although it was banned in 1998, Scooby Jew's main characters (raggy and scooby jew) carried on their roles in the less popular spin off "What's new scooby jew"
Ahmed: "i watched scooby jew last night"
john: " thats just a cheap rip off and racist pun of scooby doo"
Ahmed: "meh"
36👍 11👎
The Jewish version of Scooby Doo
Selah-Shaggy went looking for Scooby-Jew at the Synagogue but didn’t have any luck finding. RUH ROH
1👍 1👎
Another great word for a jew...
a: heh see that jew over there?
b: Yeah
a: Scooby dooby jew
b: hah
39👍 57👎