Source Code


Ma'am in spanish

Hola Señora, ¿Como estas?

by AC December 22, 2003

41👍 11👎


An older Mexican housewife who spends her days raising children and limpia la casa.

Girl: "I cleaned the house and did laundry all day ."
Friend: "Dang girl you're turning into a Señora."

by Ching0na August 4, 2017

14👍 5👎

Señora Mustache

Señora mustache is the title given to the loveliest lady in the land. This lady is very smart and has an incredible sense of style, her outfits are very extravagant and usually consist of the color green. she has an incredible sense of humor and usually indulges in a slightly edgy, more cold style of bathroom humor. Señora Mustache is the type of woman who loves making new friends and will befriend anyone who dares to connect eye to eye with her. Her charming demeanor and striking looks make any foe an instant friend and Señora mustache is never without a partner.

Guy 1: who was that chick laughing when I licked the snow sausage sculpture?

Guy 2: Broski that was Señora Mustache

by BoyPartLover February 24, 2023

Señora Diabla

Literally a direct translation of "Miss Devil". This is a term used to describe the types of spanish teachers that are overly materialistic and highly judgemental - the types of things you might see in a spawn of the devil. Because Señora Diabla is so materialistic and judgemental, she comes off as highly unattractive and therefore does not have kids or a husband even at the age of 45.

It also kind of refers to the general idea that spanish is the devil's language, and therefore the spanish teacher IS literally a direct spawn of the devil.

Person 1: Yo, you see Señora Diabla roll up in her 350z? How does a teacher afford a nice car on that salary?

Person 2: Yea man but she doesn't have a husband or kids to spend her money on. All she has is her 666 cats.

Person 1: Yea dude I can't stand her she is always trying to judge me like she is God or some shit...

by what?!yousuckMYdick! December 4, 2010

12👍 6👎

Señora Hughes

Spanish teacher
SUPER underrated

Person 1: omg I love Señora Hughes from gotg!!!
Person 2: who? Oh the weird Spanish one..
Person 1: .. w-w-w-w-w-who??? She’s so underrated😓 you should join her fan club and spread love for her
Person 2: k

by Teacherobsessed October 3, 2021

Señora Isakson

A 60 something year old spanish teacher who teaches yoga, owns 8 cats, can still do the splits, and suffers from "vertigo."

Señora Isakson graded my paper incorrectly due to her vertigo.

by Crunchmunchcrunch October 16, 2017

Señora Woodworm

A surprise penetration tactic that involves no lubrication natural or otherwise

Guy 1: Man my girl been feelin mad loose latley
Guy2: Well if ya think it should be more difficult try givin her the ol Señora Woodworm

by Señora pete October 6, 2023