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Season 2 Switcharoo

The Season 2 Switcharoo is an ideological bait and switch.

When a Television series avoids taking political positions and focuses on good story and characters in it's first season only to go full on current year politics in follow up seasons.

The writers and producers know that people want to be entertained not preached at. So they lure people in, get them invested with an apolitical high quality first season and only to then start beating them over the head with their Ideology in season 2 onwards.

Hot new Science fiction series

Season 1: A thoughtful space opera dealing First contact and how different people deal with the ramifications.

It's apolitical focused on telling an interesting story and set pieces & people love it.

Season 2: Black Lesbians dealing with racism and homophobia in SPAAAAAACEEEE.

Its character focused merely as a thinly veiled excuse for the writers room to beat you over the head with their political beliefs. Audience dislikes it more than likes it.

Season 3: Cancelled after 4 episodes.

"Dammit I really liked that show/movie but they went and pulled a Season 2 Switcharoo and now its unwatchable."

by TheSpazFromRainman March 25, 2021

2👍 1👎