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Semper Fortis

A common but unofficial motto of the US Navy. Semper Fortis is of latin origin and actually translates 2 ways; "Always Powerful" and Always Courageous".

I saw an incorrect translation of a term my father held dear to his heart; much like a marine would hold "Semper Fidelis" close to theirs, so im correcting it in hopes of spreading knowledge. My father was a Navy Corps man in Vietnam. Was a POW for 19 months "unofficially". Get facts & research BEFORE posting publicly people! 😏

"Semper Fortis 'til our dying breath! Corps man Up, Doc!"

by LadyKatarina June 11, 2017

116👍 15👎

Semper Fortis

A common but unofficial motto of the US Navy. Semper Fortis actually translates 2 ways; "Always Powerful" and Always Courageous".

I saw an incorrect translation of a term my father held dear to his heart; much like a marine would hold "Semper Fidelis" close to theirs, so im correcting it in hopes of spreading knowledge. My father was a Navy Corps man in Vietnam. Was a POW for 19 months "unofficially". Get facts & research BEFORE posting publicly people! 😏

"Semper Fortis 'til our dying breath! Corps man Up, Doc!"

by LadyKatarina June 11, 2017

31👍 11👎

Semper Fortis

One of many unofficial mottos of the US Navy. It translates from latin to "Always Strong." It bears close resemblance to the Marine Corps' "Semper Fidelis," but is not as widely used as the Navy has no official motto and instead several other unofficial mottos such as Non Sibi, Sed Patriae which actually does translate to "Not for ourselves, but our country."

Come on Son, Semper Fidelis means "Always Faithful" and you think Semper Fortis means "Not for ourselves, but our country?" Where did all of those extra words come from?

by futurejarhead April 22, 2013

158👍 94👎