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A very cool girl. Her smile and personality will light up a room. She the girl guys want to be with and girls want to be friends with. Everyone who meets her will love her.


by ___sequin January 7, 2014

22👍 10👎


A cool person

Watch out he is sequin

by Kool Aid Man17 March 26, 2009

23👍 19👎


Sequins are those shiny things that are on the majority of Wolfiebutt's undie-waistbands.

Your panties are sparkly because they have sequins on them. :

by Chaolicious February 16, 2008

13👍 21👎

sequined purse

A bag that is carried on the shoulder most commonly by girls from age 13-22 and sometimes by older women trying to still look young and hip. This bag is most recognizable by the reflectant sequins that will blind you if you look straight at it. Most popular colors of this bag inlude, white, gold, pink, silver and multi-sequined. One can find this type of bag at any purse stand in the middle of the mall with the girl sitting in the chair looking extremely bored. Style accompanied with this bag may include:
-blonde highlights
-tight AE jeans
-Clark's Wallabees
-fake tan
-too dark make up
-tight shirt from Body Shop
-too tight belt

I am from the south and this may just be a southern thing, but I'm pretty sure it is not.

Sequined purses are such a fad.

by heino March 12, 2006

10👍 5👎

Sequin Sausage

A term used to describe a dress that is tight or form fitting in which half or the entire dress is covered in sequins, rhinestones, glitter, and anything else that is cheep. These dresses are overall vulgar or tacky or both.

"Don't buy that sequin sausage dress, you look tacky!" advised Marie wisely.

"Does this dress look like a sequin sausage?"
"Yes it's too tight, covered in sequins, and looks cheap."

by Gipssie April 12, 2014


fancy-pants bougie disco

Not sure that bar is sequinable, more jeans and Carhartt crowd

by Pinkyard February 13, 2019