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Shitstep is the definition of dubstep.
Mainly because its really shit and people just started calling it shitstep.

Dave: Hey, have you heard the new dubstep albums?
Nick: No homie, I don't listen to shitstep.

by TheRealProffessorandDoctor October 17, 2014

11👍 7👎


Also known as brostep has ruined the dubstep scene. It attracts bellends in new era caps who point gun fingers at the shit dj's which are spinning the worst non musical arrangement of mid range frequencies over a beat which slightly resembles dubstep.

Shitstep producers - borgore, stenchman, doctor p, flux pavillion, rusko and anything on a minitry of sound album.

Real Dubstep - Mala, Loefah, Cyrus, Younsta, Ramadanman, Kode 9, Kyrptic Minds, Truth

Those new era kids are licking imaginary shots to this shit step.

Have u heard the new mos album? its 100% shitstep

shitstep is for gays.

by Dubsteppaaaa July 18, 2011

56👍 59👎