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A smart, funny person who can be really sarcastic and witty at times but you get used to it. Shuchen loves collecting stuff like pens, bottle caps, whatnot. Hates hearing their voice and is insecure but in a cute way, Shuchen has a small but tight friend group. Anyone who offends Shuchen or their friends gets roasted/burned really bad.

'omg i just got roasted'
'lemme guess it was Shuchen'

by gotsacrilege May 12, 2022

7👍 2👎


That one guy
Thinks so cool actually kinda sad.

Hannah:Omg so bad!!! Why are you being annoying
Karen:Stop being a Shuchen!

by Dhdoxjdn09869 April 12, 2022

1👍 3👎