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Silly Rabbit

One who is unaware of something very obviouse.

Silly rabbit, don't stick your tongue in that wall outlet.

by Midnight Walker October 12, 2004

105👍 31👎

Silly Rabbit

an anthropomorphic rabbit who is losing his balance on the edge of sanity due to some kids who won't let him have a bite to eat.

Kid: Silly Rabbit! Trix are for kids!
Rabbit: DAMNITTTTT *pulls out basooka*.

by The OmegaAfroGamer July 9, 2010

73👍 23👎

Silly Rabbit

Calling one silly in a nice way. Originates from the Trix commercial where the rabbit gets caught about to eat Trix cereal.

"Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids."

by Biohazed May 31, 2005

88👍 31👎

silly rabbit

Cute version of calling someone silly.

"You silly rabbit, you silly boy!"

by Nanda July 10, 2006

34👍 38👎

Silly rabbit

Silly rabbit is to put you're balls in a woman's vigina

I hurt my balls cause I was being a silly rabbit

by Boby sicko October 18, 2015

6👍 32👎

silly rabbit tricks are for kids

What you so to someone who tries to play you with a cheap ass dumb trick. Or you can say that to a young child when they play peekaboo with you, or keep annoying you perhaps.

Niece: "Hey you can't see meeee. Hahahahaha..."

Uncle: "Silly rabbit tricks are for kids."

Niece: "Haaahahahahaa... can we go to Chuck E'Cheese now?"

Uncle: "Aight, that's cool with me. It's been too long since I've played that skeetball game."

Niece: "ahahaahahahahhahaha..."

Uncle: "What's funny now? Silly rabbit, tricks are for kids."

Niece: "Hahahahahaha"

by Adel7 August 13, 2007

59👍 163👎

Silly rabbit trixs are for kids

Silly rabbit trix are for kids is saying used to make reference to a person who was a victim of human trafficking as a child. Its used among victims of human trafficking and can be used in a serious, joking or complementary way. In conversation this saying can also be shortened down by simply referring to a person as a Tricky Rabbit.

Is used in the same way it was in the movie Kill Bill. When someone thinks they've got you or won but you make a comeback.

Example 1:
Person 1- I'm going to kill you

Person 2- No your not because the police just arrived. You didn't think it was going to be that easy did you. Silly rabbit trixs are for kids

Example 2: How did you make an A on the Calculus exam. That test was so difficult. Tricky rabbit aka you're really smart

Example 3: That new girl is a tricky rabbit. AKA that new girl was a victim of human trafficking as a child.

by Shady04 August 28, 2020

1👍 6👎