Source Code


1. Australian for beer.

2. The legendary Sasrobin slayer.

Krings: I could really use an ice cold SirMuffinMan right about now.
Kevin: IAWTC
Krings: You and I both.

by Gabba March 17, 2005

5👍 1👎


A mysterious hunk. Hunky because he's from Australia, but mysterious because we're all staying on our respective hemispheres until we die. Also slang for 'nice ass'.

<i>Dayum</i>, look at that fine SirMuffinMan on that one!

by suburbangrump January 12, 2004

4👍 1👎


One who verbally beats the shit out of ladydeathscythe.

ladydeathscythe does not stand a fucking chance in a game of wits with SirMuffinMan.

by Ghett0blaster January 8, 2004

2👍 1👎


A tiny man in a big hat.

Why is your hat moving on its own? Oh! That's a sirmuffinman.

by evilkate January 8, 2004


A man with a hairstyle resembling the top of a muffin, with his face completing the muffin look by becoming the muffin stem.

See that guy with the afro over there? Doesn't he look like a sirmuffinman? OH SHIT! I'm sorry! I didn't realize that was your mother!

by Tasty March 6, 2005


Someone who totally wrecks morons who enjoy barely-scripted comics involving people with mouths way too big when open and ridiculously small when closed.

SirMuffinMan destroyed ladydeathscythe on her own posting.

by Blah. January 8, 2004


Austrailian for beer

sirmuffinman is Austrailian for beer.

by knullare March 17, 2005