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1. A whinging, whining, little annoying person.

2. A person who spends more time complaining about a job then actually doing it.

3. An annoying person who makes jobs harder then they need to be.

1. Will you shut the fuck up! I am so sick of your sitt.

2. Will you please get your sitt together and finish the job.

3. Why do you have to be a complete sitt all of the time Edwin?

by Boycenator November 25, 2011

15👍 4👎



Bob : Dude I'm so Sitt right now
Mark : 4real? Me too. Let's go on Redtube

by Big Bear of the Jr. ParkRanger April 25, 2009

4👍 12👎


The African American slang terminology for the Caucasian derogatory word "Shit". Often used by lower class people who are on welfare.

Sitt nigga, I be tryin' seep and you be causin' a ruckus.

by Dunkin "Dunks" Bradford IV March 4, 2008

4👍 13👎


A foul-smelling orange funk that grows on one's ball sac after engaging in all night homosexual intercourse with an older man.

I should have used protection with my Calculus teacher. My balls got the Sitts yo.

by Stephen L. December 12, 2007

7👍 4👎


An abbreviation for "Shit in The toilet"

Nick was away from the keyboard doing a SITT whilst masturbation simultaneously.

by Infernomax May 8, 2007

3👍 10👎


the superior form of taking rest

Meme man : wait.....i could...

by Daynthebanayn November 8, 2018


A small, unofficial website or web presence for a company or organization, possible a facebook page. So if Marios-tetrazinni.com is the pasta house's website, their sitte is facebook.com/mariostetrazinni

dude 1: hey man did you find out when the ski hilll opens
dude 2: yah they put on their sitte that it opens on the 11, cant wait to go boarding
dude 1: thanks, gon go get some a** now k.
dude 2: kay bye

by damien j ludwig December 4, 2010