A situation that you know is gonna go horribly wrong, but you could gain a temporary reward. But with a costly or painful price/outcome to follow. Usually sketch22 is involving stealing a buddies girl, even if it's temporay( one nighter fuckfest,in his bed would make it an even sketchier 22
So I'm planning to hook up with his girlfriend,cause he's gone to massacheusettes for the nite,but she wants me to stay over in their apartment,and that's a definitesketch22 ,plus we'd be banging out in his bed, an even sketchier 22!
A sketch22 is a term describing an act that you know is gonna is gonna go wrong, probably horribly costing friendships,and or money, excessive time, any or more or less of the above. With only a brief ,nominal or temporary reward,coupled with sometimes long term or semi to permanent irreversible consequences. Asketch22, is usually found describing,mackin on,hookin up,bangin out, using up,somebody's girlfriend,wife, and, or,significant other and there is a moderate level of risk,that on a scale of risk,1 being low risk, starts around 7 and maxes out at 10, unless of course the significant other is sleeping in the same room, making it an even sketchier22
So,this sweet queen wants me to spend the night with her at her place,I'm feeling a little apprehensive because this isfor sure a sketch22,and theres a chance her boyfriend might even come home or be home,makin it an even sketchier22!