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Someone who frequently loses races, is considered by most to be slow and is always overly sensitive.

A Slowflake might also be referred as a Bitch, Libtard, Fucktard, ZX10 Owner or LS Powered Vehicle Owner.
These people always make excuses for losing and then get offended when people talk about it or post videos of them getting gapped.

You’ll often catch a Slowflake trying to deflect the attention from their own slow piece of shit to someone they know or claim to know. Someone from Clarksville might say “he ain’t worth your gas” or “my buddy has a car...”. Resist the urge to argue or educate. They are born this way and are considered academically unreachable.

Slowflakes will rarely call anyone out, but if their balls drop or they get a little squirt of Testosterone, then they just might. But there is a very high probability they will No Show. You then refer to them as #NoShow... until they finally race you.

Slowflakes have also been known to call out a known slower car in an effort to pad their stats in the “win” column. These victim races can be upwards of 200+ HP handicaps, but the snowflake needs these races to refer to when the “excuse factory” gets fired up from the inevitable next loss to equal competition.

Example: The Clarksville car scene is full of Slowflakes. Always whining, making excuses and are usually very slow.

by JasonehbusinessNashville September 11, 2018

6👍 2👎


A typical "true believer" supporter in Donald Trump. Difficulty grasping basic political mechanisms; mistakes anger for "passion" and opinions for "facts"; conflates economics with employment; experiences acute denial or child-like rage at the mere mention that humanity is negatively affecting the environment; mostly though, confuses their own racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, love of war/guns, and tiny (or impotent) penises with "patriotism."

(Bonus slowflake points for panicked "lock her up" responses to legitimate criticisms of the Trump administration's bone-headed policies or actions.)

Person 1: "Someone should tell Mark that he'll never get laid. Women see right through him, and no matter how much hand-over-fist Extenz he pounds, an asshole's still an asshole."

Person 2: "Poor little slowflake."

by Ghosted Mozart October 13, 2018

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