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abbreviation for "Soulseek"

by le petit diable bleu October 11, 2003

75👍 8👎


see soulseek. Also to correct the last entry a majority of people are not racists. Also if you're t3h hipsterz fuck off slsk, we don't want trendwhores finding it and RIAA ruining our fun :'(

read my definition on soulseek. It'll give you all the info you need. Oh and someone tell UD to stop giving a shit how long my example is. My example is not needed here. :)

by Shadow0fDeath July 6, 2004

49👍 19👎


The abbreviation for soulseek. Only used by 1337 hipsters.

DL pr0n 0n slsk, b01!!!!!11

by Tommy Wommy Womsters October 11, 2003

22👍 41👎


soulseek, a p2p program used to download media files with chatrooms that are corrupted by homophobic racists and people who can't stop talking about the Postal Service.

A slsk user was looking for a Postal Service album when another slsk user called her a nigger faggot.

by Lo Beedle January 27, 2004

15👍 53👎