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Smith Center, KS

A town in north central Kansas whose population is under 2000 people. It's a good place to live if you enjoy being bored off your ass. Those who are good at sports and/or are related to members of the Chamber of Commerce, City Council, and School Board find growing up in Smith Center to to be quite enjoyable. Everyone else describes the experience as being akin to that of Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter. There are a few good teachers there but the High School prefers to employ coaches who try to squeeze in a little teaching on the side. Most residents have nothing better to do than pry in other people's business. People there will be nice to your face for the most part, but they will talk shit on you the minute you turn your back. Also, if you're ever there be sure to visit one of the 75 churches.

Home of the Smith Center Redmen

Guy 1: Dude are you from Smith Center, KS?

Guy 2: Yeah. I was good at sports so I slept through school and still graduated.

Guy 1: I'm from there too. One time a teacher told me to sit in the colored section.

Guy 2: After I graduated I realized I was destined to fail at life so I stayed there where people still think I'm awesome.

Guy 1: I left and never looked back. Now I'm successful and happy.

by MastaRoe February 6, 2010

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