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Not to be confused with "Something".
Someshit refers to a thing that is utterly stupid or irrelevant to a specific topic.

Used in a state of absolute confusion or anger.

A someshit is what you don't want to talk about or not in a mood to.

"They'll name their kid after his dad or someshit."

"He didn't give me details, only vague shady someshit!"

"Someshit is going on with my neighbor, so, I had to act like an adult and ask what's going on "

by The Zaidist Zaidasexual Zaid. December 4, 2021


Means "something."

A simple and wholesome way to get more swearing into your diet.

So do you wanna come over and watch a movie or someshit?

by shintriad July 6, 2006

155👍 17👎


An alternative to the word something, which allows the user to add unnecessary swearing into their vocabulary.

I don't know what she said, someshit about a party.

by Lexii- January 7, 2008

30👍 13👎


Some kind of shit

She was always complaining about her past relationships or someshit.

by BillyB2112 July 26, 2011

5👍 7👎