A pet name used by fans to represent the pairing of Squall Leonhart (Final Fantasy VIII, Kingdom Hearts) and Yuffie Kisaragi (FFVII, KH) as a couple. {variants: SQUIFFIE, SQUAFFIE}
Pronunciations may vary. SKOO-fee, SKUH-fee, SKWI-fee, SKWUH-fee, SKWOO-fee and SKWAH-fee are all generally accepted.
It is known that many hardcore Squffie fans harbor a deep and vicious hatred for Rinoa Heartilly, Leonhart's love intrest in FFVIII, though certainly not ALL feel this way (some even going as far as to LIKE her). As a result, some Squiffie fanfiction may include Rinoa bashing (always good fun!), but most focuses purely on the relationship between the two characters.
Warning: Squffie fics are ANGST RIDDEN. Do not read if you are pregnant, nursing or in a fragile state of mind, as SquffieAngst can be highly addictive.
"...there is just no way that Squffie could ever be possible..."
"...Squffie is about the most adorable thing I think I've evah seen! I find it really inspiring, actually..."
"...A quick drabble about what Squallie thought of Yuffie saying he was 'cute' in the first game. Squffie, pure fluff..."
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