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A steburg is a great man who rides motorbikes a steburg often has a really awesome missus who loves him very much

Steburg's can keep their cool in stressful situations, and are often funny.

Anything that a steburg does is much harder for anyone else to do,

A steburg is very rare there is only one and he is a sick#unt .
A steburg loves sausage. Has mechanic hands. And can dance like daddy cool.
A steburg is a beautiful day
And is funnier then his better half.


"Look at steburg eating that sausage."

"Gee that steburg sure is good at dancing"

"Steburg is just good at everything, except whistling"

"Steburgs missus is so darn awesome, look at her new shiny cowboy boots"

by Not jordii November 18, 2020