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International STFU Day

January 15th is International STFU Day (Shut The Fuck Up) and is dedicated to all of those that want to tell someone to STFU. On this day you are allowed to tell anyone that deserves it to STFU without consequence. This holiday has been created by the International House Of STFU. Check them out on Facebook.

I woke up this morning with a bad hangover and Nubs says to me "Good Morning" so since today is International STFU Day I told him to STFU.

by NubsIHOSTFU December 16, 2012

National wamen stfu day

Occurs on the 5th of December and is a day where wamens rights are revoked and they must stfu

Stupid ass wamen: says stupid shit
Rory: stfu

Wamen: says she has women rights

Adam: no

Gilby: i love national wamen stfu day

by Sussyamogusbaka6969 November 19, 2021

Stfu Day

A specific day celebrated by everyone around the world! On this day, Aeziz Patricio and his other companions have to stfu and not say a thing.

Aeziz Patricio: *yaps*
Me: It's Stfu Day, shut the fuck up.

by January 18, 2024

national stfu day

Where you just shut up for once. It’s on every single day of October. Don’t be afraid to zip your lips for once! Step back into your comfort zone! Nows your time to shhhhhhh.

Rex: k. I’ll stfu den. Since it national stfu day

by Okthenwegetit October 16, 2019

National stfu day

Where you just hush your mouth. Wow it’s that easy

Person: wait why is it quite?
Other person: it’s national stfu day? Haven’t you heard?
Person: oh wow very exciting I’ll stfu now!

by Okthenwegetit October 16, 2019