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The torture chamber tool that teachers use to confine their students into watching in boredom as blocks take 5 minutes to arrange themselves and liquid pours as slow as if gravity has been turned off. Stmath is a computer game where you have to move blocks and such to get the penguin (Jiji) across the screen. To do that, you answer math questions. Who in their right minds associates a cute fluffy penguin with math?! To make matters worse, once you 100% complete the game, and you think that you're done, you have to do it all over again in challenge mode. Liars, they said you were 100% done! The levels are shaped like traffic cones, (again, seriously?!) and when Jiji the penguin moves across the screen, if theirs a 1 mm puddle of liquid or a square cm block, he cant jump over it. Does he have waddling problems? The so called "game" moves way too slow, when you click an answer it has to go through a whole 5 minute long process of moving blocks before it actually tells you if the answer is right or wrong. All together, stmath is a trap to make your mind just about blow up.

Teacher- "Time for stmath, kids!"
Kids- " We did it yesterday for 2 hours, though!"
Teacher- '"Well you're doing it again! Oh, and did I mention you have 10 hours of homework?"

by stmath January 11, 2016

139πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


St math is a fucking living hell and torture chamber the stupid penguin named Jiji legs is so weak he can't go around or jump over a little flower 1/100 of his size

Teacher: We're doing stmath
Student 1: Listen's to Jocelyn Flores because he/she is very depressed
Student 2: Get's MG42 and shoots Chromebook

by ExoderHXN May 4, 2021

28πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The tool used to bore students with a penguin(Jiji) that is apparently ¨Non-Jumping¨ and I wonder ¨Why doesn't he/she just step on it instead?¨

Teacher: Time for 5 hours of stmath!
Student 1: Shoots himself
Student 2: Chokes herself

by Equation + Equation = Answer October 6, 2021


Stmath is a stupid game where a freaking penguin has to get to some stupid level. 100% = you have to do it forever with challenge mode. It takes 1 hour just to solve a problem, you click an answer = 10 hours of solving it. And it cant even jump. WADDLING PROBLEMS?

Teacher: time to do stmath

Student: destroys classroom and throws tantrum

by SoulJem September 2, 2019

40πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


STMath is a trash can that was finally updated in 2020 so it's not a gradient overload trash can. It is now not in flash so people can be tortured after 2020's failure. Also, the workers want your IP address and after that they take a dump in your mouth.

kid: wow stmath HOORAY!!!!
other kids: what the hell did you say to stmath
kid: I like stmath
other kids: die in a ditch pal
kid: dies in a spiked ditch ripped into pieces

by GaymerMcBoomer November 17, 2020

14πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


an ancient torture method used by teachers who had no hearts. you had to complete math questions for a shitty penguin (jiji) to go somewhere. jiji could not fucking do it herself, couldnt walk, couldnt jump. she was an absolute bitch who everyone despised. many victims of it such as i have described it as "an endless torture of math and idiot ass penguings named jiji" when you completed a level you would hear the highest pitch ding that blinded everyone within a 1,000,000,000,000 mile radius

teacher : alright kids let's do stmath
kids : no we did stmath yesterday
teacher : oh, you're doing more today
kids : fucking destroy the entire building who

by averygayman April 22, 2021

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Stmath is the definition of the hell on earth. Jiji, as you may the stupid dumb ass penguin or the mascot of the game cannot jump over anything because the blood cells flowing in Jiji's brain are too big due to Jiji being a mouth-breather and making her stupid. Jiji's vision is corrupted due to the fact she is stupid making her see small objects as 50x times her size, making her unable to waddle over anything. As you may know the math part of the game does not teach me or anybody else anything. It takes literal hours for a simple block to be a put in an area. And once you put in and wait all the time, you realize it's wrong. Jiji can't also realize she can walk extra block without risking anything. Multiple incidents of depression have accorded from children ages 6 to 12 had been caused by StMath. The worst part is they say Stmath has meaning, feeling to it. When really it's just a shit flash game made in the 2000s.

Teacher: LEts do stmath

by dsgnryehnethrwtn4teryth March 11, 2022

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