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adj. Word to describe someone who is really cool, and extremly awesome.

Sounds like "doobie."

(Heather, Jenn, Alli, Ash, Rachel, Nikki, Jen, Chelsea, Zita, Margo, Rosey, MIKE.) :P

"Hey, did you see that kid? He's such a stooby!"
"He's stoobtactular!"
"You are my new favorite stooby!"

by Mike (Meat) Varriale October 28, 2004

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Sucks to be you!

"My dog got run over, I have two papers tonight, and my boyfriend broke up with me!"


by MrFoxOfSonata April 1, 2009

2๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


To be raped by a midget.

I was Just stoobied by that guy over there.

by Too Kool Fo Skool May 10, 2010

60๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


something to smoke like a blunt, cig, joint etc.

yo pass that stoobie

by caisey and his brother March 2, 2011

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


fat fingers or fat toes

Eww that girl got stoobies!
Don't touch me with those stoobies!

by MannyyFresh February 3, 2012

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


a cigarette hollowed out and filled with marijuana.
stogie + doobie = stoobie

Guy 1: Hey man is that a stogie used as a doobie?! :D
Guy 2: yup
Guy 1: Holy cow!! wuts it called?! :D
Guy 2: a stoobie man, a stoobie.
Guy 1: dude... thats cool.

by superFRO April 11, 2011


Adj. Word to describe someone who is the shiz.
New slang word created by Mike!
Another word for "crazy awesome," or "spectacular-amungous!" or "radical."
Sounds like doobie.
Some examples of people who are "stoobies":

Heather, Ash, Jenn, Jen, Alli, Rosey, Zita, Rachel, Margo, Anne, Diane, Chelsea, Nikki, Kara, Nina, MIKE!, Asian Mike!, DJ, Kyle, Colin, Max, Kev, Jon, Andrew, Wil, Ani, Dani, Zack, and anyone else I left out.

"Hey, did you see that kid? He's such a St00b!"
"He's st00btactular!"
"You are my new favorite st00by!"
"Mike is so st00blicious."

by Mike (Meat) Varriale October 29, 2004

13๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž