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Despite sounding like an office supplies store, Supermax is a type of high security prison that forces inmates to spend 23 hours per day in solitary confinement with little-to-no contact to the outside world.

During the one hour outside of their cell, inmates are brought to a large concrete room by themselves where they walk in circles for exercise.

They go in as hardened criminals and come out as mad men, if ever even released.

Yo, I'm chillin' in my Supermax crib. I'm doin' pretty damn good in here; I got a metal bed to sleep on and a light that let's me see things, so I got things going pretty well for me.

The only person I ever see is the guard who does nothing but gives me commands, but it's cool; I got you, my imaginary homie!

by Wumbus September 1, 2018

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