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One who jacks someone's swag.

"Look at dat swacker, wearing my jeans like she owns the damn place"

by Chray-shawwwnn November 27, 2011

22👍 5👎


swagger + jacker = swacker

you hear about them Dipset kids? i heard they were beatjacking. Plus they're notorious swackers.

by evolgenius March 26, 2008

75👍 36👎


Swagger + Jacker = Swacker

A person who steals or reinnacts another persons (usually someone popular) jokes, words or other personal mannors. Essentially trying to become another person. This can sometimes occur unconsciously.

Boy tryin to jack my swagger to get dem ladies. A swagger jacker, swacker. Good thing u cant beat the original!

by miximus September 18, 2011

58👍 30👎


a swag jocker, someone who steals another person's swag.

my friend adwight is a swacker.

by soysauce20 October 19, 2011

21👍 15👎


Verb: To run ones penis around the top of a bottle or glass that is to be drunk out of.

swacker swacker

by morristhegreat June 22, 2010

12👍 45👎